Our modern, pedal-to-the-metal lifestyle comes at a high cost to our health, wellbeing, performance, and happiness.
It's possible to learn an entirely different – and far more satisfying – approach to living and working, but this requires that you do something radical: pause to get present, small moments many times, every day.
When you pause to get present, you create a little gap in your mind to shift out of your autopilot "survival brain" and into your "wise brain." Each time you make this shift, you recalibrate your nervous system and strengthen your prefrontal cortex (the CEO of your resilience), which allows you to respond more flexibly and skillfully to whatever you're experiencing.
Pausing can feel like one of the hardest things to do, but with practice, it's a game-changer. The more present you are, the more effective you'll be. You'll use your mental energy more wisely, feel more productive, and have the capacity to be fully engaged in the moment with what's most important to you – at work and at home.
The path to deeper resilience begins with learning to pause and create the space to live, work, and lead with greater presence.
Wisdom to Wake Up to Your World
Pema Chödrön shares why the simple practice of taking a break from our usual thoughts is the most important thing we can do with our lives.